After decades of learning, struggle and doing my own inner work as a human being and extensive training as a clinician, I consider myself a teacher and a fellow traveller to those who come to me for help. “The Relationship Sensei” is an integration of two worlds I have devoted my life to. As a fourth degree black belt and martial artist, I bring the qualities of discipline, being present, self reflection, perseverance, standing one’s ground and living with spine. As a clinician, I bring the qualities of sensitivity, empathy, compassion, emotional and intuitive intelligence, safety and living from the heart. I feel both are needed on this human journey towards wholeness and authenticity.
I worked with a couple recently, “Albert & Rachel”*, who were having great difficulty addressing issues surrounding physical and sexual intimacy.
This couple had become stuck in a negative pattern of attacking each other and emotional withdrawal for years.
What had not been named and fully acknowledged and what had taken over this relationship was trauma
A big part of their recovery as a couple was due to the application of the Inarguable Method
*Names were changed to protect identities