The Relationship Sensei

Do you struggle with avoiding the conversations you need to have in your relationship?

Do you find yourself feeling resentful of your spouse for past behaviour?

Are you someone who generally avoids conflict and is this pattern finally caught up with you?

Are you holding onto resentment, disappointment or anger from the past?

Solutions are closer than you think

Hello, I'm Jack Lafleur

After decades of learning, struggle and doing my own inner work as a human being and extensive training as a clinician,  I consider myself  a teacher and a fellow traveller to those who come to me for help.   “The Relationship Sensei” is an integration of two worlds I have devoted my life to.   As a fourth degree black belt and martial artist,  I bring the qualities of discipline, being present, self reflection, perseverance, standing one’s ground and living with spine.   As a clinician, I bring the qualities of sensitivity, empathy, compassion, emotional and intuitive intelligence, safety and living from the heart.   I feel both are needed on this human journey towards wholeness and authenticity.  

 Relational recovery requires all of these qualities we humans possess.   In what we consider the feminine and the masculine in ourselves.  To be whole is to have access to all of these qualities when we need them or when the situation or circumstances call for them.  

How I've Helped Other Couples

I worked with a couple recently, “Albert & Rachel”*, who were having great difficulty addressing issues surrounding physical and sexual intimacy.

This couple had become stuck in a negative pattern of attacking each other and emotional withdrawal for years. 

What had not been named and fully acknowledged and what had taken over this relationship was trauma

A big part of their recovery as a couple was due to the application of the Inarguable Method

*Names were changed to protect identities

Register for the RLT Workshop

Saturday and Sunday
March 15-16th

Individual: $375 CAD

Register for the RLT Workshop

Saturday and Sunday
March 15-16th

Couple: $750 CAD